Sunday, November 22, 2009

Artist Studios featured in "The Studio Book"

Who wouldn't want a studio in the sun and by the sea? For those of us who have always dreamed of having a wonderful studio space, this book is a treasure of eclectic studios informed by the spirit, energy, and creativity of their owners. Featured here are thirty-six historical and contemporary studios that have emerged from a unique studio tradition. Ranging from serene, contemplative spaces to busy workshops, all provide inspiration and ideas for creative work spaces. Many of the studios shown have been designed by great architects, including Frank Lloyd Wright, Frank Gehry, Charles and Ray Eames, Bernard Maybeck, Julia Morgan, and A. Quincy Jones; and John McCormick, while we are not all able to call on the talents of such luminaries in the design of our own personal spaces, we are sure to benefit from the wonderfully creative studios here on display.
The book is  photographed by Melba Levick and written by Kathleen Riquelme. It is available on Amazon.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Bolinas Museum Mini Show

Teddy Roosevelt, Tree Hugger

FDR, Tree Hugger

Blue Sunset (sold)

Mid-Day  (sold)

These four paintings will be in the annual Bolinas Museum Mini Show.  This is the 21st year the museum has had this show, and this year over 85 artists created small works for the show.  This is a wonderful Holiday benefit for the museum as fifty  percent of all sales go to the museums'  general fund.  There will be artists' reception on Saturday, November 21st from 3-5pm.  For more information call the museum at 415-868-0330

 Each of the above paintings measures 6x6 inches.  Along with two of my landscapes, I've included two portraits from my "Tree Hugger" series.  The idea behind these paintings is to highlight  and bring attention to those individuals who have been important in shaping our national consciousness with regard to the natural environment.

In this day of polarized political thought, too many people see the environmentalist movement as a recent development that began on the first earth day in 1970.  Of course this event helped to calvenize people around ideas and concerns we all share regarding the health of the planet, but concern for the environment has long been part of our national character.  The writings of Jefferson, Thoreau  and Emerson shaped our thinking early on, and the development of our National Parks was part of an idea that continues to inspire and grow today in communities across the country.

The portrait of Teddy Roosevelt celebrates the President and the man who gave a big boost to the development of our National Park system.  The portrait of FDR highlights the effort this President put forward in rebuilding the National Parks (Civilian Conservation Corps) and advancing new thought regarding land use.

 I will continue to post new portraits has I finish them so stay tuned.

November 16th, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

New Book on Landscape Painting

Landscape Painting: Essential Concepts and Techniques for Plein Air and Studio Practice
 by Mitchell Albala

I am happy to announce the publication of Mitchell Albalas' new book, "Landscape Painting, Essential Concepts and Techniques."   Mitchell is a Seattle based artist and educator whose artwork can be seen at the Lisa Harris Gallery in Seattle.  My paintings are represented by Lisa Harris as well and Mitchell asked me if he could use one of my paintings in the section of the book that deals with composition.  The book is instructional  for all levels from beginning to advanced students  and has beautiful color reproductions.

The book can be ordered on Amazon 

Sunday, November 1, 2009

John McCormick Landscape Book

The hardcover book includes McCormick’s paintings and charcoal studies done over a period between 1995 and 2001.  Essays by Susan Hillhouse, the Chief Curator of Art at The Triton Museum of Art in Santa Clara, California and Ron Glowen, an independent and nationally published art critic based in Seattle, Washington, add to the rich visual dialogue of McCormick’s work.
McCormick is a Bay area artist who has lived in California since 1971.  He is part of a group of contemporary landscape painters who combine elements of modernism with those of traditional landscape painting.   McCormick creates images from his immediate environment and from childhood memories of lakes and waterways to create works that are evocative of the mysterious and the fragile in nature. His art demonstrates a deep involvement with the craft of painting, the alchemy of rendering form, and the modulation of tone and hue.
His work is collected nationally and he is represented by galleries in San Francisco,  Los Angeles, Seattle, Montreal and Park City.  His home and studio is in Marin County, California.

To purchase this book:

Or it can be ordered  from our website under the "Prints" link  at

 Hardcover, 12”x9”, 128 pages
 76  duotone and four color images

  print run of 2000     Price  $35