Teddy Roosevelt, Tree Hugger
FDR, Tree Hugger
Blue Sunset (sold)
Mid-Day (sold)
These four paintings will be in the annual Bolinas Museum Mini Show. This is the 21st year the museum has had this show, and this year over 85 artists created small works for the show. This is a wonderful Holiday benefit for the museum as fifty percent of all sales go to the museums' general fund. There will be artists' reception on Saturday, November 21st from 3-5pm. For more information call the museum at 415-868-0330
Each of the above paintings measures 6x6 inches. Along with two of my landscapes, I've included two portraits from my "Tree Hugger" series. The idea behind these paintings is to highlight and bring attention to those individuals who have been important in shaping our national consciousness with regard to the natural environment.
In this day of polarized political thought, too many people see the environmentalist movement as a recent development that began on the first earth day in 1970. Of course this event helped to calvenize people around ideas and concerns we all share regarding the health of the planet, but concern for the environment has long been part of our national character. The writings of Jefferson, Thoreau and Emerson shaped our thinking early on, and the development of our National Parks was part of an idea that continues to inspire and grow today in communities across the country.
The portrait of Teddy Roosevelt celebrates the President and the man who gave a big boost to the development of our National Park system. The portrait of FDR highlights the effort this President put forward in rebuilding the National Parks (Civilian Conservation Corps) and advancing new thought regarding land use.
I will continue to post new portraits has I finish them so stay tuned.
November 16th, 2009
Reminds me of the song 'Natural Beauty' by Neil Young.